30 Years of Living with HIV: New exhibition to document UK’s battle against AIDS
By Will Stroude

Positive East, London’s largest HIV charity, have put together an exhibition and oral history project which looks at the emergence of HIV and AIDS in the 1980s.
Created in partnership with the Eastside Community Heritage, ’30 Years of Living with HIV’ looks at everything from the government’s response to the epidemic, including the notorious Don’t Die of Ignorance adverts, through to the impact the crisis had on the general public’s attitude towards the gay community.
The project was built around the testimonies of 20 people who all had some link to HIV. Some were HIV positive, others were medical professionals or campaigners. Even the those responsible for the government’s response were interviewed. As an oral history project, the interviews focused on each individuals’ personal stories and recollections and built up a picture of how the crisis unfolded and what the current situation looks like.
The exhibition will be touring various locations across East London. More information about the ’30 Years of Living with HIV’ exhibition and documentary film can be found at eastsidech.wix.com/30yearshiv
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