Alan Cumming challenges gay men to take vow of celibacy

Actor Alan Cumming has teamed up with GLAAD to produce a video criticising the FDA’s (Food and Drug Administration) policies regarding blood donors.
Although the blanket lifetime ban on “men who have sex with men” giving blood has been lifted, a year-long period of celibacy is now required before gay men can donate.
The tongue-in-cheek video see’s Cumming heading a mock public service announcement from the ‘Department of Sexual Abstinence’, inviting gay and bisexual men to partake in a ‘Celibacy Challenge’ and proposing a number of visually suggestive activities men can undertake through the year to ward off any desires. Check it out:
If you don’t fancy a year without sex, you can instead sign the petition which hopes “to pressure the FDA to change its questionnaire so donors are screened based on their exposure to risk, and not their sexual orientation. So, no matter who you are, you can save lives”.
We’re not quite sure furiously polishing your trophies is the best way to stave off sexual urges for a year.
“Stereotypes have no place in saving lives. The FDA’s proposed change still means that countless gay and bisexual men will be turned away from blood banks simply because of who they are,” said GLAAD’s CEO and President, Sarah Kate Ellis.
Despite being a campaign aimed to change American policy, the advert is still resonant to British audiences as likewise gay men are barred from blood donation regardless of whether they are practising safe sex or in monogamous relationships. Indeed, just last week the team at UK youth voting organisation Bite the Ballot brought up the issue in a roundtable conversation with Labour party manifesto writers – you can see the video of their chat here.