American Red Cross in critical shortage of blood but still refuses donations from gay and bi men
Men who have sex with men are able to give blood but only if they've been celibate for more than a year
By Steve Brown

The American Red Cross is facing a critical shortage of blood, but they still won’t accept donations from gay or bisexual men.
Prior to a 2015 guideline change, men who have sex with men were barred from giving blood for their lifetime but now, gay or bisexual men can donate if they have been celibate for more than a year.
The policy doesn’t take into account if people are monogamous or always use condoms during sex, LGBTQ Nation reported.
Now, in an appeal to get more blood supplies, the American Red Cross is offering $5 Amazon gift cards to those who donate throughout August but the offer isn’t extended to men who have sex with men.
The original ban was introduced in 1983, during the HIV/Aids crisis and stop gay and bisexual men and transgender people from donating blood dubbing them “high risk” candidates.