Americans are wearing safety pins to show solidarity after Trump election

American citizens have started to wear safety pins across the country to show solidarity in the wake of Trump’s election win, according to the BBC.
The US has now seen a rise in hate crimes just days after the results of the 2016 election and the pins represent that the wearer will protect those who are being treated with hatred and will fight for them.
Many celebrities have shared photos of themselves wearing the safety pins including gay icon Patrick Stewart who shared a photo on Twitter alongside the hashtag, “Safetypin”.
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) November 11, 2016
The symbol was first used to show unity during the Second World War when the Dutch wore them under their collars to show loyalty to the queen, without being persecuted by the Germans.
It was then used in the UK following Brexit which saw a rise in hate crimes.
Reports of homophobic incidents have surged on social media following the 2016 election results and Pride flags have been attacked all across the country.
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