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Australian politician comes out against anal sex “full stop.”

By Josh Lee

Queensland, Australia equalised the age of consent between vaginal and anal sex on September 15 this year (that’s right, it took until 2016 to do equalize the age of consent). Until then, it was the only state in the country to have different ages of consent for different sexual acts (vaginal sex was legal at 16 while anal sex wasn’t permitted until the age of 18).

Anal sex will also no longer be referred to as the stigmatising “sodomy”, and has been replaced with “anal intercourse” in the criminal code.

Health Minister Cameron Dick welcomed the change, saying that equalizing the age of consent will help “support the sexual health and wellbeing of young Queenslanders.”

But not everyone’s pleased with the change, with two Australian MPs – Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth – voting against the change in law.

Speaking to Buzzfeed, Knuth explained his position on the matter: “We’ve always been very consistent in, you know, our position, when it comes to, you know, same-sex marriage, or, or… what’s the other one? Civil unions!

“And, you know, we just feel that, you know, we’d be hypocritical to support the removal of aged consent for anal sex.

“We have constantly said a relationship should be between a male and a female, a man and a woman. We have taken a very strong position on that in the past.”

Knuth went on to argue that lowering the age of consent for anal sex “would probably give more of a possible predatory approach to the younger generation.

“We don’t support anal sex full stop,” he continued.”And the lowering of it.

“Now, you can keep trying to trick me into a different position… but what I’m saying is that we don’t support it full stop.

“We just do not believe in it. Full stop. In anal sex.”



Meanwhile, the battle for equal marriage in Australia wages on, as groups continue to argue over whether a public or parliamentary vote should be used to determine whether same-sex couples can marry.