Australian senator likens homosexual people to perverts and sexual deviants
Fraser Anning made the bigoted speech while discussing the anti-bullying Safe School scheme
By Steve Brown

An Australian senator has likened LGBT people to perverts and sexual deviants.
Fraser Anning, from the Katter’s Australian Party, took to the floor of the Australian parliament to discuss an LGBT-inclusive anti-bullying programme called Safe School and began his tirade of the LGBT+ community by dubbing them “sexual deviant”.
He said: “Fifty years ago, if a communist pervert had proposed that our nation’s children be forced to listen to sexually deviant propaganda, they would probably have been strung up.
“Today, this disgusting garbage is called the Safe Schools program, and its leading exponents hold comfortable government funded positions.
“However, the fact is, schools have never been less safe and the main risk to children is the so-called Safe Schools programme.
“Let us be very clear: This program is not about bullying or any of the other nonsense that is claimed to try to justify it.”
He didn’t stop there. He continued to say that teaching children about homosexuality in schools is a “betrayal of childhood innocence”.
“When the schools that we trust to look after our children force them at a pre-sexual age to discuss sexual concepts about which they have no understanding, and even, disgustingly, engage in homosexual role-playing, this is simply institutionalised child abuse,” he continued.
“It is also a gross betrayal of childhood innocence. What is most incredible is that state governments would allow this despicable material to be taught in schools.
“There is no greater proof of the moral bankruptcy and political depravity confronting our nation.
“First, prepubescent children should not have any sexual dimension to their lives and should not have any kind of sexual preference at all.
“Secondly, even when they do sexually mature in their mid to late teens, their sexuality should be a personal, private matter and certainly not something for left-wing social engineers to meddle with.
“There is no greater proof of the moral bankruptcy and political depravity confronting our nation.
“First, prepubescent children should not have any sexual dimension to their lives and should not have any kind of sexual preference at all.
“Secondly, even when they do sexually mature in their mid to late teens, their sexuality should be a personal, private matter and certainly not something for left-wing social engineers to meddle with.”