Australia’s Prime Minister now backs same-sex marriage and says it’s the ‘law of the country’
Scott Morrison called for greater protection of 'religious freedom' in the same-sex marriage bull
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
Australia’s Prime Minister now backs same-sex marriage despite a history of anti-LGBT views.
Back in 2017, Australia’s same-sex marriage bill passed the Senate by 43 votes to 12 and passed through the House of Representatives before receiving royal ascent.
However, Scott Morrison – who was took over as Prime Minister last year – called for greater protection of ‘religious freedom’ in the marriage bill but then abstained from the vote in parliament.
But now, Morrison – who most recently backtracked his promise to tackle discrimination of LGBTQ students – has revealed he now backs same-sex marriage saying he supports the ‘law of the country’.
Speaking at a press conference in Perth, Morrison said: “It’s law and I am glad that the change has now been made and we and people can get on with their lives, that’s what I am happy about.
“I always support the law of the country.”
Despite having a change of heart about same-sex marriages, Morrison seemingly avoided answering whether he believed gay people will go to hell.
“It’s always been something that has informed how I live my life and seek to care for and support others,” he said.
“That’s what I seek to do… You know, none of us are perfect, none of us are saints in that respect.
“We try and do what’s right and we try and do what’s best and that’s what always sought to guide me in terms of my own personal faith.”