Beloved Dublin gay bar defaced by anti-gay and Nazi graffiti
By Joshua Haigh

A beloved gay bar in Dublin has been vandalised.
The George, which has been a safe haven for countless numbers of LGBT+ people over the years, has been sprayed with anti-gay slogans and shocking Nazi imagery.
The damage to the bar, which is located in the heart of the city centre and is one of the most popular gay venues in the area, was removed this morning.
Twitter user ConanGShore posted a photograph of the offensive graffiti this morning, and shared his outrage, saying: “The George being vandalised is such an upsetting thing”.
Another angry tweeter added: “This isn’t our Dublin, this is the angry hate of a small small small minority”.
It’s unclear who carried out the crime, but the incident comes just two days before the anniversary of Ireland’s same-sex marriage referendum.
The legislation passed on May 22, 2015, with a majority of 62 percent.