Brighton council ‘to let bushes grow at gay cruising spot’
By Sam Rigby

Brighton and Hove City Council is reportedly planning to let bushes grow at a local park to hide sexual activity.
The city’s Dukes Mound park is well known as a popular gay cruising spot, and has become the subject of controversy as residents claim that the council is encouraging the activity.
According to the Daily Mail, one council employee said: “We always err on the side of caution when pruning due to the sensitivity of the area. The thinking behind this is to keep the activities mentioned all in one place.”
Local residents have repeatedly complained to the council about the park, which is said to be littered with used condoms, bottles of alcohol and prescription drugs.
Peter White, 50, said: “Are we going to wait until somebody overdoses on drugs in the area and dies?
“Or will we wait until an unsuspecting gay man is attacked, mugged, beaten or even killed before we put lighting in the pathways and seal up vacant buildings where rampant drug use and high-risk sexual activity is occurring?”
A council spokesperson said that they always make sure to prune bushes and fix lighting to ensure the park is safe.
Meanwhile, Sussex Police Inspector Brian McCarthy said that authorities would “deal positively and appropriately with any reported acts of violence, drug-taking, indecency or exposure in a public place where members of the public are caused alarm or distress.”
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