Bruce Jenner Halloween costume slammed for mocking the transgender community
The costume is based on the kit the Olympian wore before she transitioned to Caitlyn
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
A Bruce Jenner Halloween costume has been slammed for mocking the transgender community.
The ‘I Am Cait’ costume was advertised on both eBay and Amazon before it was taken down but is still available on Amazon for £26.52.
The costume is based on the kit Caitlyn Jenner – formerly known as Bruce – wore when she won the gold medal in the men’s decathlon at the 1976 Olympics before undergoing gender confirmation surgery.
The outfit – which has been sold more than 40 times – features a brunette wig, a USA sports top and two plastic medals, and the caption reads: “Show your love for Caitlyn Jenner with this awesome adult costume”.
However, the leading LGBT charity Stonewall has called for the product to be removed and said it makes the trans community “the butt of a joke”.
A spokesman said: “This is a reminder of how much is left to do to combat the trans people face every day.
“This costume reduces a marginalised group to the butt of a joke. It should be taken off the shelves.”
Dr Jane Hamlin, president of the Beaumont Society, a transgender support group, said: “The transgender community has been getting quite a battering in the media recently because we would like to have autonomy over our own identities.
“We have become accustomed to insensitive mockery, but had hoped that cisgender people had become tired of such stunts and realised that it is not funny.”