Bruce McArthur has been charged with an eighth murder charge
The remains of Kirushna Kumar Kanagaratnam were found at McArthur's home
By Steve Brown

Canadian alleged serial killer Bruce McArthur is facing an eighth murder charge.
The 66-year-old landscaper already faces seven charges of murder after human remains were found in a garden planter at a Mallory Crescent home McArthur had worked at.
Now Toronto police Detective Sergeant Hank Idsinga said on Monday (16.04.18) that McArthur has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Kirushna Kumar Kanagaratnam.
Idsinga said Kanagaratnam, 37, arrived to the city from Sri Lanka back in 2010 and was not reported missing. He lived in the suburb of Scarborough and had no family in the Canadian city.
Kanagaratnam’s remains were found at a home McArthur used as storage for his business.
He was identified after investigators released photographs of his corpse and appealed for any help, in which they received 500 tips.
Unlike McArthur’s other victims, Kanagaratnam had no links to the Gay Village of Toronto but fits the pattern of his victims.
Most of which were Middle Eastern or South Asian and lived on the outskirts of Canadian society and their disappearances attracted little attention.
Police believe Kanagaratnam was killed between September and December 2015.
Police have been searching properties McArthur had worked at for remains after having found at least six other sets of remains, three of which were identified as belonging to Soroush Marmudi, Andrew Kinsman and Skandaraj Navaratnam.
McArthur was arrested and charged with the murders of two men in January, before being charged with the murders of four more men whose remains were found in the garden planters.
It is reported one of the victims hid that he was gay from his Muslim family and another was an immigrant with a drug problem.
Police also revealed that they had found a naked man chained to a radiator on the morning of McArthur’s arrest.
Police also say that McArthur targeted men he met through dating apps and in the Gay Village.