Cherokee Nation now recognises same-sex marriage

The Cherokee Nation will begin recognising same-sex marriage, according to the tribe’s attorney general, Todd Hembree.
The recent announcement will overturn a 2004 tribal rule defining marriage as between a man and a woman, CNN reports.
Hembree released his written opinion on the matter where he said he agreed with the Supreme Court’s ruling that marriage should be available to everyone, including LGBT people.
He wrote, “The right to marry without the freedom to marry the person of one’s choice is no right at all… Cherokee citizens have a fundamental right not only yo choose a spouse but also, with mutual consent, to join together and form a household irrespective of sexual orientation.”
The decision came after a recently married woman applied for a identification from the tribe. Her spouse was a woman and the Cherokee Tax Commission wanted to know if same-sex marriages were recognised.
It’s estimated that there are around 829,000 Americans claim Cherokee ancestry and many of them will now be given the opporunity for equal marriage.
The decision takes effect immediately however same-sex marriage is still prohibited by several other tribes.