Christian conservatives plan to hold another ‘Straight Pride’ parade in California
Boston City officials approved a 'straight pride' in their city this August
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
A bunch of idiotic Christian conservatives are planning to hold another Straight Pride parade in California.
After Boston City officials agreed to allow a ridiculous Straight Pride parade to take place this August, a group of Christian conservatives are trying to get another outrageous Straight Pride but in Modesto, in California.
According to a flyer posted on social media, the event will ‘celebrate heterosexuality, masculinity-femininity, babies-born and unborn, Western civilisation, our wonderful country, Christianity’ and will take place on August 24.
Posted onto the California Straight Pride Collection Facebook page – which is littered with homophobic, racist and utterly disgusting posts – the group says the ‘evil of the homosexual/sodomy movement’ is attacking ‘Western civilisation’.
They also claim the white race is the ‘mass majority biological racial component of the developers of Western civilisation’.
“We hence, appealing to God for all of our needs in this great endeavor, invite all people of good will to join us in defense of our current and future generations in The War which is upon us,” the website says.
The city of Modesto has been asked to provide a permit for their parade.
“We’ve been getting letters, emails, comments, and phone calls all day about it,” council member Kristi Ah You told CBS.
“I don’t think we need to give a permit for anything that when you go to the page it talks about whiteness, it talks about western civilization, it talks about being Caucasian. That’s all hate crime stuff to me, that’s not okay.”