‘Completely straight’ people don’t exist, claims new research
Apparently everyone is a little bit bisexual
By Joshua Haigh

A new study has claimed that there’s no such thing as “straight”.
Published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers argue that it’s impossible for a man or woman to be “entirely straight”.
In the study, a group of straight-identifying men and women were shown different kinds of pornographic material.
Researchers looked at physical reactions to the pornography, most notably pupil dilation, which is an innate sign of sexual arousal in both men and women.
Ritch C Savin-Williams, the Director of Developmental Psychology at Cornell University, told Broadly: “We show straight men a picture of a woman masturbating and they respond just like a straight guy, but then you also show them a guy masturbating and their eyes dilate a little bit.
“So we’re actually able to show physiologically that all guys are not either gay, straight, or bi.”
Savin-Williams claims that the idea of being bisexual is more accepted when it comes to women, but men still struggle with the idea because of toxic masculinity.
“We’ve always recognized mostly straight women, that is, women who mostly are straight but if the right woman comes along, well maybe she’ll try it out. We used to think that was only a female phenomenon,” he added.