Conservatives: the LGBT Manifesto
By Ben Kelly

This morning, the Conservative Party has unveiled its manifesto for the General Election, and as we are doing with every party, Attitude has condensed the policies which are specific to the LGBT community.
Green Party: The LGBT Manifesto
Labour Party: The LGBT Manifesto
Plaid Cymru: The LGBT Manifesto
“We will continue to tackle all forms of bullying in our schools”.
Helping you build the Big Society
In this section, the party says they will “Promote equal treatment and equal opportunity for all in a society proud of its tolerance and diversity” before expanding on the manifesto’s LGBT commitment to, “champion equal rights and correct past wrongs”.
“Our historic introduction of gay marriage has helped drive forward equality and strengthened the institution of marriage. but there is still more to do, and we will continue to champion equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people. We will build on the posthumous pardon of Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing, who committed suicide following his conviction for gross indecency, with a broader measure to lift the plight of outdated convictions of this nature. Thousands of British men still suffer from similar historical charges, even though they would be completely innocent of any crime today. Many others are dead and cannot correct this injustice themselves through the legal process we have introduced while in government. So we will introduce a new law that will pardon those people, and right these wrongs.”
Fighting crime and standing up for victims
Here, the party explains how they will “toughen sentencing and use new technology to protect the public”.
“We will review the legislation governing hate crimes, including the case for extending the scope of the law to cover crimes committed against people on the basis of disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.”
You can read the entire manifesto on the Conservative Party website.
Read our interview with David Cameron, and a host of LGBT Conservative candidates in the new issue of Attitude, out now on digital, and in print.