Danish politician goes full frontal for campaign posters
By Will Stroude

A Danish politician has made headlines around the world after proudly displaying his manhood on his campaign posters for the country’s general election this month.
The controversial posters see John Erik Wagner, from Copenhagen, wearing nothing but a cowboy hat and gun holster, and have been displayed around the capital ahead of the vote on June 18, the Guardian reports.
The 51-year-old is – for obvious reasons – not considered a serious contender for the role of prime minister, but he’s at least achieved his goal of wanting to “surprise people” with his unique campaign strategy.
“I’ve been trying to get elected for 10 years now, and this is my third election, so I thought I’d try something different,” he says. “Other candidates’ posters are boring – just like passport photos – so I wanted mine to surprise people.”
He adds: “It helps to look good if you want to be in government and people say I have a nice body, so I thought, ‘This is me, here I am.’ I wanted to get my name out there.”
Standing on a radical left-wing platform, Wagner’s key policies include making trips to the dentist free and scrapping unemployment benefit by introducing a basic income and making everyone work six months on and six months off.
City officials have reportedly carried out an investigation into the explicit images, but apparently allowed them to remain on display after deciding – somewhat shadily – that Wagner’s manhood would “disrupt road users’ attention”.
If Wagner’s poster has piqued your interest in politics and you want to check out his full, erm, ‘manifesto’ in all its uncensored glory (NSFW), head over here.
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