Fundamentalist Christian group posts anti-LGBTQ leaflets through doors in Birmingham
The Tradition, Family and Property organisation was started in 1960
By Steve Brown
Words: Steve Brown
A fundamentalist American Christian group has posted homophobic and transphobic leaflets through doors in Birmingham.
Following on from the ongoing protests outside primary schools across the UK city, it appears residents in Birmingham are now being targeted with anti-LGBTQ leaflets.
According to Birmingham Mail, the Tradition, Family and Property organisation have been posting leaflets titled ‘Gender Theory or 21st Century Totalitarianism’ through unexpecting homes across the city.
The leaflets call for people to stand against ‘gender theory’ and dubs it the ‘delirious ideology claiming everyone can fancy themselves as man, woman, neither or both at the same’ time.
It also goes on to say: “Sophisticated activists are already at work to impose their anti-Christian and anti-God views on your children at school.”
The group was founded in Brazil back in 1960 and promotes an extreme ideology of Catholicism and is sometimes known as The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property in the USA.