Gay ‘catfish’ opens up to Davey Wavey about why he impersonates other men
By Joshua Haigh

A man who regularly impersonates other men on gay apps has opened up about the reasons behind his actions.
Catfishing has become a major problem with the rise of online dating, and involves people pretending to be someone else in a bid to get someone to talk, flirt and even exchange pictures with them.
It’s incredibly simple to do, and it’s highly likely most of us have experienced it at one point, whether we’re aware or not.
YouTube star Davey Wavey sat down with a gay man who’s a self-confessed ‘catfisher’ to find out why he feels the need to impersonate other people.
”What are these men getting out of it?” Wavey told The Huffington Post. “And because they probably don’t think of themselves as terrible people, how do they justify what they do? While the tendency is to be angry or irritated and to write these deceptive men off, I couldn’t help but think that there must be a bigger story here.”
In the eye-opening video, the anonymous man explained: “I was heavier at the time. So I made a fake profile. With this fake profile I would talk to people, and they would send me anything I asked for. I’d never been in a relationship and I wanted to figure out why.”
“I think it’s purely to try and feel like you’re wanted. It’s like a last hope that someone will still love me, even if it’s not really them.”
“Give that guy a chance. Maybe he’s not in the best shape. But get to know them first,” he added.
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