Gay couple killed in Orlando shooting will be buried together

A deadly attack carried out by Omar Mateen on a gay nightclub in Orlando has left 49 dead.
Christine Leinonen was frantically searching for her son, Christopher, on Sunday (June 13) after the shooting and revealed to ABC that she had to wait hours to hear about her son.
Time magazine states that Christopher and his boyfriend Juan Ramon Guerrero, who also died, were living together, had been dating for two years and will now be buried together.
that Guerrero’s father said, “I think my son wanted to do that. That’s why. I don’t care what the people think. I don’t care.”
Aryam Guerrero, Juan’s sister, said, “They were honestly so in love. They were soul mates. You can tell by how they looked at each other. It’s a little comforting that they died together.”
Juan’s family explain that it was Christopher’s mother who had the idea to bury them together.
A photo posted by Juan Guerrero (@juang0628) on
It was Juan’s birthday in a few days time and his family have revealed that they will still celebrate his birthday.
“My wife will cook all the food he likes,” Guerrero’s father said. “He was a beautiful kid, a hard worker, friendly, sweet person.”
“I lost part of my life,” he adds.
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