Gay men married to women urge Supreme Court not to recognise gay marriage
By Josh Haggis

A group of gay men who are married to women have submitted a brief to the US Supreme Court urging them to not legalise same-sex marriage nationwide.
The group, who call themselves “same-sex attracted men and their wives,” claim that if the Supreme Court recognises same-sex marriage nationwide then it would “come at the cost of marginalizing and demeaning” their marriages to their wives.
Take a look at a sample of their brief below:
“Why would almost two-thirds of bisexual adults with children and more than a fifth of gay or lesbian adults with children elect man-woman relationships, principally man-woman marriage?”
“Striking down man-woman marriage laws on the basis of constitutional discrimination would thus send a message to the same-sex attracted that there is only one choice for them, that man-woman marriage is unattainable, that they are acting against their nature for desiring it, and that pursuing it will be dangerous for them, their spouses, and their children.”
The in-depth brief also features a selection of testimonies from gay men who are married to women, who all share how grateful they are to be married and raising children with their wives.
Meanwhile, Clint Eastwood’s hunky son Scott recently shared his support for same-sex marriage in the US – find out more here.