Gay porn star sentenced to another eight years for raping 14-year-old boy

Last month, former gay porn star Mike Dozer was sentenced to 17 and a a half years in prison after pleading guilty to sex with a minor.
Dozer, real name Christopher Steele, admitted to meeting the 14-year-old boy on the Jack’D app three years ago, and was first arrested in December 2013..
Yesterday, (April 21) Steele – who is HIV positive -was sentenced again, this time in state court, and was convicted on charges of recklessly endangering another person, after failing to reveal his status to the teenager.
Following the assault, the boy suffered from extreme stress as he and his parents awaited the test results to determine if he had contracted HIV. Steele could now face another 8 to 16 more years in prison.
Montgomery Country Judge Thomas. P Rogers said that the crime was “So reckless, so outrageous… that it goes beyond all bounds of human decency.”
The Mercury News reports that Steele allegedly didn’t care that the boy was under-age and simply told him: “I kinda like my guys young.”
Steele said that he has made “a series of poor choices” and that his intent wasn’t to put the family and victim through stress. He explained that he thought there was a zero risk of transmitting the disease because he was on medication at the time.
“I did get a false sense of security with that. It was a poor decision on my behalf and a false sense of security I felt because I was on the medication. I’m not saying what I did was right. It was wrong.”
He also implied that one of his ‘poor choices’ was joining the adult entertainment industry and stated that since he had joined it his “life went downhill” and it led to his demise.
Paul Gavin Britton, Steele’s partner, was also accused of having sex with the 14-year-old, but committed suicide before being brought to trial in February 2014.
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