Gay veteran marries lifelong partner after emotional reunion at hospital

Dale Green and lifelong partner, Takashi Nakaya have become the first same-sex couple to get married at a hospital in L.A where Green is getting treatment for Stage 4 Melanoma.
Green, an 85-year-old Korean War veteran, wasn’t aware that the Supreme Court had legalised same-sex marriage until the pair were married just three weeks ago.
The Pride LA reports that the pair were married at the West L.A. Veterans Administration Hospital and the entire staff at the hospital joined in the ceremony and helped the pair celebrate their love for each other.
Green and Nakaya have built a life together in Japan and Green is said to have travelled back to the U.S. from Japan every three months over the couple’s 31-year relationship because he could only live on a tourist visa and the pair weren’t allowed to marry under Japanese law.
Green recently returned to and stayed in the States to undergo treatment for his terminal cancer.
His body however stopped responding to the treatments and doctors informed Green that they would no longer be able to treat him.
But that didn’t seem to stop Green who ordered doctors to keep him alive at all costs so he could see his partner once more who was on his way from Japan.
Green waited days for the arrival of his soon-to-be husband.
The couple were soon reunited and married and speaking to The Pride LA, Takashi said:
“For people to be accepting of us is one thing, but to celebrate our love with us – total strangers – is something incredible.”
You can watch their emotional reunion below:
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