Harry Potter star writes open letter to homophobic trolls
By Will Stroude

Harry Potter
star Evanna Lynch has taken aim at social media users who leave homophobic comments on her accounts, saying she is tired of the “nasty, scathing and downright cruel” remarks that litter her pages.
Lynch, who played Hogwarts student Luna Lovegood in the wizarding film series, said she was “worn out” from reading abusive messages in a post on her Facebook page, and asked anyone responsible for leaving abusive remarks to unfollow her.
“Simply, if you are someone who perceives homosexuality as ‘disgusting’ or ‘fucked up’ or ‘unnatural’, will you do me a kindness and please unfollow me on all social media platforms. And then block me,” the 23-year-old said.
“I believe in always promoting a positive message and I don’t want your poison all over my carefully curated wall of light and positivity.
“And let me be very clear and say people’s ‘beliefs’ have nothing to do with this. It is your attitude and the way you choose to react. Please don’t for a second pin the intolerance and hatred you spread on ‘religion’ for no religion endorses the darkness you’re spreading.”
“It is possible to not like the idea of homosexuality, to find it a wholly alien, uncomfortable concept and to NOT impose this view on the people it affects and above all to NOT shame people for the way they are.”
The Irishwoman, who has been a vocal supporter of equal marriage during her home nation’s recent referendum campaign, went on to question why fans of her Harry Potter character would spread homophobia given the Harry Potter series’ message of tolerance.
“Luna is a character who accepts all people and creatures in all forms, loves them for exactly what they are and who is constantly in awe at the diversity, strangeness and newness of each being she encounters.”
She added: “If you are one of the people who bred hate or revulsion or shame on my Instagram post today then you clearly haven’t thought very deeply about what I or Luna Lovegood represent and it’s time for you to unfollow.”
Well said Luna. We’re seriously considering changing our name to The Quibbler next month in your honour.
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