Hungary lawmakers call for boycott on Coca-Cola following Pride campaign ad
The ad sees straight and gay couples sharing a drink together
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
Lawmakers in Hungary are calling for Coca-Cola to be boycotted following an ad campaign that promotes same-sex couples.
The campaign – which was designed for Budapest Pride – sees both same-sex and heterosexual couples sharing a Coca-Cola together.
However, despite showing support for the LGBTQ community, Fidesz MP Istvan Boldog has announced he will be leading a petition to have the company banned over the ad.
The MP has a history of anti-gay stances and earlier this year he called for a boycott of the Budapest Pride Parade.
Following the call for the ad to be banned, the fizzy drinks company hit back at the petition and defended their ad saying “#loveislove”.
In a statement, the company said: “The three different posters feature both hetero- and homosexual couples drinking Coca-Cola.
“With this we really want to convey a message: our belief that everyone has the right to affection and love; that the feeling of love is the same (#loveislove).
“Many advertisements – not just Coca-Cola’s – divide people’s opinions: some like them, some do not.
“Of course, we respect the opinions of others that differ from our own. We believe that we are all equal, irrespective of our nationality, religion, gender, age, ethnic background, spoken language, hobbies and opinions.
“We believe that both hetero and homosexuals have the right to love the person who is best for them.”