Labour: the LGBT Manifesto
By Ben Kelly

Today, the Labour Party has unveiled its manifesto for the General Election, and as we will do with every party, Attitude has made a handy summary of the policies which are specific to the LGBT community.
“Children develop and learn best when they are secure and happy. We need to help our children develop the creativity, self-awareness and emotional skills they need to get on in life. We will introduce compulsory age-appropriate sex and relationships education. We will encourage all schools to embed character education across the curriculum, working with schools to stop the blight of homophobic bullying.”
Labour have previously outlined a detailed policy for tackling homophobic bullying in schools.
Supporting families and relationships
“People’s relationships bind society together, and the family, in all its various shapes and sizes, is its bedrock.”
Tackling the threat from extremism
“We will strengthen the law on disability, homophobic, and transphobic hate crime.”
Rights and Equality
“We will also build on our history of championing LGBT rights, tackling homophobia with tougher laws at home and greater engagement abroad. Britain has a long tradition of liberty and the rule of law, and Labour has a proud record of extending these to our most vulnerable citizens, by promoting equality and opportunity for all.”
Global Challenges
“We will appoint an International LGBT Rights Envoy to promote respect for the human rights of LGBT people, and work towards the decriminalisation of homosexuality worldwide.”
Labour have already announced that Lord Michael Cashman would assume this role, if they are elected to government.
The whole manifesto is available on the Labour Party’s website.
You can read Attitude‘s interview with Ed Miliband and other Labour candidates as part of our election coverage in our new issue, out now.