LAD Bible apologises for fat-shaming Wentworth Miller
By Ben Kelly

Popular news blog TheLADbible have offered an apology to Wentworth Miller, after they shared a meme which mocked his weight gain.
The picture in question showed Miller in 2010, at a point where he was suffering severe mental health issues, in part because he was still in the closet.
Now, TheLADbible have posted a sincere apology on their Facebook page, addressed to Miller, in which they admit they got this “very, very wrong.”
“Mental health is no joke or laughing matter,” they wrote, “We certainly didn’t want to cause you pain by reminding you of such a low point in your life. Causing distress and upset to innocent or vulnerable people is simply not acceptable.”
He added, “Now, when I see that image of me in my red t-shirt, a rare smile on my face, I am reminded of my struggle. My endurance and my perseverance in the face of all kinds of demons.”
In addition to sharing a number of website addresses for mental health support, TheLADbible – originally founded upon typically blokish humour – said they will continue, “to cover how prevalent mental health issues are among our audience, as well as the damaging stigma that surrounds such matters.”
They also applauded the “raw honesty” with which Miller shared his struggles.
If you’re affected by any of the issues raised in this article, contact the Samartians‘ confidential 24-hour listening and advice service, free to call on 116 123 (UK) and 116 123 (ROI).
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