Leicestershire County Council dispels myths about becoming a foster carer
By Steve Brown

A hot meal at dinner time, knowing you’ll be there to pick them up from school every day, someone to read them a book at night – our children in care aren’t expecting their foster carers to be superheroes, just a normal person or couple there for them.
Many people discount themselves from fostering, but the truth is these children simply need a loving family environment to support them. If you are ready to provide that then you’re well on the way to being just the type of person we’re after.
We know we don’t receive as many applications from LGBT+ people – couples or single people – as we’d expect. Because of this, we do lots of work to make sure that LGBT+ people don’t count themselves out, and feel encouraged to find out more about fostering.
Foster carers myth busting
Here’s a few myths we’re keen to bust when it comes to fostering:
- I can’t foster because I’m LGBT+ – WRONG: We welcome anyone from the LGBT+ community whether in a relationship or single
- I can’t foster because I’m not a homeowner – WRONG: It doesn’t matter if you rent or a homeowner, you can still foster
- I can’t foster as I own pets – WRONG: Studies actually show pets can help build attachment in children in care
- I can’t foster because I’m single – WRONG: We welcome single applicants as foster carers and have had many single successful carers
So, what do I need to be a foster carer?
You need to be over 21 years old, live permanently in the UK and have the necessary skills to take care of a young person during a difficult time in their life.
Even if you don’t have a spare room, if you could take care of a child 0-2 years whilst being available to them fulltime, then let us know.
There are lots of different types of fostering – you could be more suited than you think!
How can I find out more about being a foster carer?
Fostering is a big decision for anyone – we know lots of people do think about it and have a lot of questions.
So, our friendly team hold regular ‘find out about fostering’ events at County Hall, Leicestershire (LE3 8SA) to dispel myths and cover everything you need to know about becoming a foster carer with Leicestershire County Council. You’ll have the opportunity to hear personal stories from current foster carers too.
The events are informal and relaxed – with plenty of refreshments! It’s great if you can let us know you’re coming but we don’t mind if you just drop in.
After the event, either speak to one of us in more detail or just take away an information pack and get back in touch with us if you’d like to.
Our next fostering events are:
Thursday 25 April
Tuesday 21 May
Wednesday 12 June
We also hold regular adoption events too. The next dates are:
Tuesday 16 April
Thursday 16 May
Thursday 20 June
Fostering is genuinely rewarding in so many ways and you can make a real difference to the life of a young person who needs you, with excellent training, financial allowances and regular placements from Leicestershire County Council.
If you’ve been thinking about fostering or adoption and can give a child a loving and secure home, give us a call on 0116 305 05 05 or join us at one of the above events. We’d love to see you there.
For more information, visit www.fosteringleicestershire.com or www.adoptionleicestershire.com