LGBT history to be taught across Californian schools
By Will Stroude

The Californian Board of Education announced yesterday (July 14) that LGBT history will be introduced to all public school classrooms, according to reports in the Daily Mail.
The move will see LGBT heroes like Harvey Milk and landmark events such a Stonewall taught alongside mainstream history, with a focus also placed on understanding the evolution of LGBT identities.
In a statement, Don Romesburg, framework director of the committee on LGBT history in California said that classes will now have “thorough inclusion of the history of LGBT people, events, and issues reflects the substantial professional scholarship in this area that has been produced over the past four decades”.
“It allows all students to think critically and expansively about how that past relates to the present and future roles that they can play in an inclusive and respectful society”.
“You cannot understand where we are now collectively as Americans without understanding something of the LGBT past”.
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