Local church leaders in Maine call for books referencing homosexuality to be banned in library
Library employee Mary Ann Fournier slammed the preachers saying none have ever been in the library
By Steve Brown

Local church leaders have called for books referencing homosexuality to be banned.
As part of America’s annual Banned Books Week – which consistently feature LGBT+ books – the group of preachers took exception to the display at Rumford Public Library in Maine.
A letter signed by three Rumford church leaders complained that the library was “promoting homosexuality” and cited two books on display, ‘My Lesbian Experience’ and ‘Two Boys Kissing’ – the latter being the fifth most-banned book in 2016.
The letter reads: “The library should not be promoting a far-left political view that sees homosexuality as acceptable.”
This is suggesting that the display disrespected people with a “conservative and traditional view that sees homosexuality as wrong and to be avoided”.
The letter was signed by three pastors, Dan Pearson, Justin Thacker and Nathan March.
However, no one complained about the erotic BDSM novel ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ which was also on display.
During the meeting, library employee Mary Ann Fournier defended the display and said: “I’ve been coming to this library just about every day since I was five years old, and I now work here.
“Those complaining, you don’t come here. I don’t see you. This is the first time I’ve seen any of you show up to a meeting.
“Where were you when we were talking about what we’re going to do for the troubled kids that come here? Did you know that we feed these kids?
“We feed them breakfast, we feed them lunch, we feed them dinner, we keep them here all day.
“Do you know how many kids come in from school and say, ‘Mommy’s sleeping,’ so we keep them here and we watch them. [That’s what] the library does.
“I’m getting frustrated. I’ve been yelled at for doing my job. The library code of ethics says we are not supposed to censor.
“This display, you’re all saying you don’t want it in the eyes of your children. But it’s upstairs in the adult section!”