London landlord slammed for advert banning ‘gay/lesbian’ tenants
Under the Equality Act 2010, discriminating against someone because of their sexuality is illegal
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
A London landlord has been criticised for posting an advert banning any ‘gay/lesbian’ tenants.
According to the Daily Mail, the advert – which has now been taken down from Gumtree – was advertising a single room in Mitcham, south west London, and in a list in the description, the ad explicitly bans any LGBT+ people from showing interest in the room.
It reads: “Gay/lesbian, pets, children, smoking are strictly not allowed.”
Discriminating against someone because of their sexual orientation is illegal under the Equality Act 2010 and the advert was posted on Twitter and many have called for police to investigate the advert.
However, the Metropolitan police have said they are “aware” of the advert but because they have yet to receive a formal complaint the landlord cannot be prosecuted.
A spokesperson said: “We were made aware of an online for a flat on Thursday, 17 January. Nobody has formally reported any allegations in relation to it.”
Following the backlash on social media, the advert was removed from Gumtree after three days of being posted on the site.