London to hold its first ever Muslim Pride next year
The event will be organised by charity Imaan
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
London is set to host its first ever Muslim Pride after a fundraising campaign raised more than £10,000 for the event.
Run by the charity Imaan – which was set up in 1999 with the aim of helping LGBTQ Muslims who face prejudice – the first ever Muslim Pride in the UK’s capital will take place next spring and will bring people the charity supports together.
While speaking to the Evening Standard, a project leader at Imaan who goes by the name of Rose, said: “This is going to help the next generation to know it’s okay for them to be LGBT and also be Muslim.
“When people talk about Muslims they don’t really talk about sexuality – this will open up the conversation.
“We mainly want to celebrate, we’ve been a thriving community.
“It will be groundbreaking. It’s never been done before.
“We want to tell people that it’s okay, we have a community that are here to support you. It will be a celebration of how far we’ve come.”
Now they have obtained their budget goal, the team will now start planning the details including a venue and date.