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Man fired after a Facebook post about marrying his dog

By Micah Sulit

Inspired by the US Supreme Court’s ruling to legalise gay marriage across the country, Florida resident Ryan Uhler thought it’d be funny to joke about marrying his beloved dog, reports NBC-2.

Uhler posted a photo on Facebook with the caption: “How is marrying a dog different if you love them? Today I hope we can focus on doggy-style love. I love my dog Rocco, and he loves me. Hopefully one day we can be married…”


Well, Uhler’s bosses at Grace Tax Advisory Group had the last laugh and fired him from his job as a digital marketing specialist.

Uhler told The Huffington Post, “I was blindsided. I didn’t think anyone there knew how to use Facebook.”

The self-confessed jokester added that he wasn’t making a statement against gay marriage, nor was he into bestiality. He told NBC-2 that his managers “took it out of context”.

Lawyer Scot Goldberg said that while the decision may have been an overreaction, it was perfectly legal in Florida, where employers don’t need a reason to give employees the sack.