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Man left with several broken bones in his face after gang attack

The man says he was subjected to homophobic abuse

By Steve Brown

A man was left with several broken bones in his face after he was attacked by a gang of teenagers while at a takeaway.

Known only as Jason, the 24 year old had been on a night out in Hull city centre when they decided to go get a takeaway, however, while waiting for their food, a group of teenagers shouted “homophobic abuse and bad language” before attacking them.

Jason was left with a fractured eye socket, cheekbone and jaw and his face was badly bruised and swollen.

He told the Hull Daily Mail: “We’d just finished having a few drinks around town and went to the takeaway.

“There was homophobic abuse and bad language. The next thing I see is one of my friends being knocked to the floor. He had been punched.”

He tried to help his friend but was knocked out when the attackers – who were around 13 and 16 – turned on him.

Somehow he got up and managed to walk back to his friend’s home but a passing car pulled up and continued the abuse.

He continued: “As I was walking back to my friends, I was on the phone to the police at the time, a white Ford Focus pulled up and shouted, ‘You’ve just attacked my brother, you effing gay f****t. Next time I see you, you’re dead!’

“Apparently there’s gangs of kids around there that go around attacking people all the time. My friend lives around this area and that’s what happened. I’d tell people not to set foot in the area.”

Jason was able to deal with the pain overnight but in the morning he had to attend A&E where doctor’s revealed his injuries were worse than he thought.

“I had to got for a CT scan and the doctor came back saying I’d broken my nose and my sinuses are blocked,” he added.

“The facial surgeon then said I’d broken my eye socket, fractured my cheek bone, had a broken jaw and had swelling in my face.

“The doctor said my jaw needs realigning and I might need surgery on my eye socket.”