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Meet the gay footballers stripping off to save their team…

By Will Stroude

You may remember that gay football team Yorkshire Terriers FC caught our eye last month, after stripping naked to raise money for prostate cancer charities and to keep the club going through troubling financial times. If you’ve forgotten, then the picture below should help to focus your mind…


The Leeds-based team play in the top tier of the Gay Football Supporters’ Network (GFSN) League – the only national league to all mixed-sex participation and facilitate trans inclusion – and  now you can examine some of the club’s players in thorough detail below.

The Yorkshire Terriers FC is available for £10 plus £2 postage. For details about how you can get your hands on a copy,click here.

Meet the team…


Josh Sedman – 25
Occupation – Project Manager
Favourite Club – Leeds United
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – Just under a year

“I’m Josh, Leeds United season ticket holder. I like walks on the beach, holding hands and skipping through meadows, and can usually be found propping up the bar at the Bridge or Viaduct!

“My favourite memory from the Terriers was scoring my 1st goal at home against the champions Saltire, and the group of friends I have made. Never a dull moment.”


James Cochrane – 20
Favourite Club – Leeds United
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 1 year

“Cottingley lad, play football and pool! I smash most weekends out in Leeds. Eat a lot of fast food and drink a lot of Desperados.

“My top memory of the Terriers was scoring the winning goal to keep us up in the top division last season. I like socialising with the lads and seeing my best pal every week.”


Adam Brown – 23
Defender, Right Back
Occupation – Medical Student
Favourite Club – Huddersfield Town
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 5 years

“Contrary to what the calendar suggests, I’m quite a shy lad! Been in Leeds for my 5 years of university but looking to move to London at the end of the year to be closer to my partner, who’s an accountant down there.

“I originally joined the Terriers to help keep fit but soon realised that the social side was what kept me coming back – we have some amazing away trips. Fun fact – I used to sleep walk naked. A naked calendar seemed the natural next step!”


James (Jim) Bayes – 35
Midfielder, Defense
Occupation – Stand-up comedian and writer
Favourite Club – Leeds United and Real Madrid
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – Since 2011

“I’m a former pub manager from Otley who has played football for various teams since age 10 (quite late starter in as much as I played for Hudds Town youth and most players there started at 5 or 6 years old).

I’m one of the straight players in the team, recently single (ladies?). I work as little as possible writing and performing stand-up, which is a lot easier than people think. I was drawn to the club because of the eclectic bunch of personalities and brilliant team spirit that I have not had at other clubs.”


Danny Jon Kinge – 34
Occupation – Property developer and part time singer
Favourite Club – Leeds United
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 1 year

“I recently started playing football after a 20 year absence due to bullying in school… it feels great to be back and part of this great Yorkshire team. Remember guys and galls: Play safe, love football.

“Fun fact – I was in the last 60 of Popstars: The Rivals and lent Cheryl Tweedy 20p at the vending machine for a Twix (which she still hasn’t returned)!”


Luke Fenn-Shepherd – 22
Occupation – Photo journalist
Favourite Club – Manchester United
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 1 and a half years

“I love music, live for the weekends (party animal) and generally attracted to bad boys. Will cry uncontrollably and without reason. Can’t look after myself and need mummy for everything.

“My favourite Terriers memory is being made the youngest captain Yorkshire Terriers have ever had. I like the social side of football as well as playing. The team have become like a dysfunctional family to me lolz. Fun fact – my Terriers debut lasted 10 seconds due to over-accessorising!”


Matt Nellist – 31 (!?) + 10 years
Midfielder, Central
Occupation – Manager
Favourite Club – Manchester United season ticket holder
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – Too long

“Whilst the boys are out having fun, I’m at home reading poetry, I’m the quiet, shy , romantic one of the group – lways in bed at 7pm the day before the game! I like the finer things in life, red wine, cuddling up on the sofa, English tea. I like woodland walks, ocean views, rose petals on the bed . Never lucky in love, but I’m sure Prince Charming will come riding into my life at some point!

“My best memory is last season managing the team and taking them to 2 massive away victories at Edinburgh where they hadn’t lost in 4 years at home. Also in London, where we hadn’t won in 6 seasons!”


Stuart Forward – 25
Midfielder, Wingback
Occupation – Editor/Healthcare/Comms
Favourite Club – Chelsea
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 6 months

“I’m Stu, shameless Editor of EQView and try-hard footballer, previously having worked in NHS complaints. From South London originally, I’ve been lost up North for a number of years post-uni.

I joined the Terriers earlier this year, having not played football since I was 12. I’m still in the finding-my-feet stage as a player, but could not have stumbled across a better team to be a part of. The Terriers have broadened my horizons in terms of LGBT life, and know how to have a good time. Still working on the winning games part!”


Conor Simpson – 38
Occupation – Sales Executive
Favourite Club – Liverpool FC
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 3 years

“I’m a recently married man (to my partner, James) from Ireland. A massive Liverpool FC fan, I used to live in Scotland where I was a founding member/Manager of another GFSN team, Hotscots FC.

“My favourite memory is being asked to be the new team manager. When I moved to Leeds, joining the Terriers was one of the first things I did. They’re one of the longest established GFSN clubs and have a great future ahead of them.”


Stuart Allaway – 23
Occupation – Customer Service Manager
Favourite Club – Peterborough United
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 3 years

“I moved to Leeds 5 years ago from Peterborough and I defo call Leeds my home now. I’m always up for a prank on someone and I’m very competitive. I’m a real bad sore loser.

“My favourite memory from being with the Terriers was in Bristol with Matt and Carl, when Matt told us to run down the street. He followed us a few seconds later with about 30 shots that he stole from the bar. What drew me to the club was the football and playing along other gay guys and making gay friends.”


Matthew Barton – 31
Occupation – Commercial Manager
Favourite Club – Bolton Wanderers
Time with the Yorkshire Terriers – 4 and a half years

“I’m a rather immature thirty something Bolton Wanderer with something of a Peter Pan complex who just happens to enjoy playing football and taking his clothes off gratuitously for Calendars. Best to do it now… while I still can!

“Although the Yorkshire Terriers are centred around playing football, it is the social aspect which makes the club in my opinion. I joined the Terriers to make more friends as I was new to the area. My favourite Terriers moments are those from our numerous away trips across the UK where we have a good time and play football (often with a very bad head). I am looking forward to our January trip to Dublin…”


The Yorkshire Terriers FC is available for £10 plus £2 postage. For details about how you can get your hands on a copy,click here.

For more naked calendar action, click here to see a University of Nottingham’s hockey team in all their glory, or click here to see Colardo firefighters naked here.

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