MP says ‘great deal of thought’ made on including LGBT issues into school curriculums in England
Nick Gibb made the comments during a debate in the House of Commons
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
The Minister of State for School Standards has admitted to giving a “great deal of thought” to include LGBT issues into school curriculum in England.
During a debate in the House of Commons, Lichfield MP Michael Fabricant asked Nick Gibb whether England schools will embed LGBT issues into their curriculums.
His question comes days after Scotland revealed it will be the first country to make it compulsory for all state schools to teach LGBT history and issues.
Fabricant asked: “The Scottish Parliament has recently decided to embed in the school curriculum LGBT issues so that LGBT children can integrate well and, more importantly, that other children treat them well.
“What thought has been given to doing the same in England?”
Gibb – who is openly gay – replied: “We have certainly given this a great deal of thought in the context of relationships and sex education.
“We believe that all schools should ensure that young people, whatever their developing sexuality or identity, feel that relationships education and RSE is relevant to them and sensitive to their needs.
“The purpose of the new provisions includes ensuring that young people learn that there are different types of relationships in modern Britain.
“Schools should therefore ensure that RSE is inclusive and meets the needs of all young people.”