Mr Cork, Nathan Adams: ‘My country just created history!’

Earlier this month we featured an in-depth interview with Ireland’s Mr Cork, the handsome model Nathan Adams, who spoke to us about coming out, the Irish marriage referendum and what it was like to be crowned Mr Cork.Now, in the wake of the weekend’s landslide ‘Yes’ vote at the Irish Marriage Equality referendum, Adams dropped us a line to voice his feelings of elation at his country’s firm embrace of equality…
I am proud to be a citizen of a country of equals. A country that created history on the 23rd of May!
More importantly, I’m proud to be a gay man. On the 31st of March this year, at 10:47pm (I remember the time exactly), I posted on Facebook about my sexuality. The response was amazing, welcoming, supportive and humbling.
Moving on, I realize its okay to be who you are, that we should all be happy in our own skin. To not be afraid of what friends and people think, if you’re black, white, fat or skinny, LGBT or straight, who cares! We are equals. That’s what counts!
The atmosphere on the 23rd of May in Dublin was extraordinary. The streets were crowded with people painted in the LGBT colours, flags flying, smiles everywhere, everyone so happy. Lots were emotional with tears of joy in what we as a nation achieved. We also showed the world that we as a small nation cherish all our children equally. It’s so inspiring as a young gay man to be part of a seismic cultural change.
It was very surreal, I felt ready to burst into tears! This is it! We’ve done it. I had to keep pinching myself on the hand to know this wasn’t a dream, what a day for Ireland.
I stood in the Panti Bar with a very good friend of mine and drank a bottle of beer, grinning from ear to ear, knowing my country was behind and supportive of mine and every other gay man and woman’s future!
We went for lunch the next day at Dylan’s in Ballsbridge. Driving through the city there was a great sense of pride in the air. We drove past a number of LGBT couples who were happily walking hand in hand, not a care in the world, nobody looking at them strangely or passing comments, just everyone getting on with life. It was great!
I don’t think I will ever experience another day like the 23rd of May, a day I will cherish and never forget.
Tá sé ina bliain iontach a bheith Irish!