Muslim LGBTQ activist brands protesters outside Birmingham schools as ‘disgusting’
Multiple schools have suffered from parents pulling pupils out of schools over LGBTQ-inclusive lessons
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
A gay Muslim activist has branded protesters outside primary schools in Birmingham as ‘disgusting’.
Khakan Qureshi run a social support group for LGBTQ Muslims and launched ‘Finding a Voice’ back in 2014 as a way of changing attitudes towards South Asian and Muslim homosexuals.
And now, Qureshi had waded into the discussion about mainly-Muslim parents pulling their children from schools across Birmingham – including Parkfield School and Anderton Park Primary School – due to LGBTQ-inclusive lessons.
Speaking to BirminghamLive, he said: “I think it’s disgusting behaviour from these so-called Muslims during the month of Ramadan.
“My big bug bear is that Muslims keep saying that being gay is haram. Haram means forbidden things, bad things.
“If [the community] wants us to be brothers and sisters, it’s about solidarity and support for each other, so how can you do that if you have conflict and barriers?”
Anderton Park is the latest establishment to have protests outside the school gates and the protests are led by Shakeel Afsar who, ironically, has no children at the school.
Allies has been pelted with eggs after they tried to show solidarity with the LGBTQ community and teachers at the school.
Parkfield School was one of the first to experience the homophobic parents – despite parents claiming they are not homophobic – and headteacher Andrew Moffatt made a moving speech at Birmingham Pride over the weekend.