Neo-Nazi game allows users to kill gay men, Jews and other minorities to save Donald Trump
One of the levels sees the player shoot people inside a gay club - a direct link to the Pulse massacre
By Steve Brown

Words: Steve Brown
A Neo-Nazi game allows users to kill gay men, Jews and other minorities and journalists to save Donald Trump.
Angry Goy II lets players take on the role of white supremacist Christopher Cantwell – who was behind last year’s far-right rally in Charlottesville – or Richard Spencer to massacre ‘left-wing terrorists’ to save the President.
One of the game’s levels involves shooting people inside a gay club called ‘LGBTQ+ Agenda HQ’ – a direct link to the Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Orlando in 2016 which saw 49 people killed.
The game also features a mission to kill journalists to stop to spread of Fake News, a term Trump uses to attack media organisations when they reported on his own actions which is claims to be fake.
OK, Mr President!
Cantwell has been promoting the game on his podcast’s homepage as well as plugging it on social media site Gab – the site which was temporarily shut down after it was revealed the Tree of Life Synagogue gunman posted on it before killing 11 people in Pittsburgh.
The far-right bigot wrote: “Angry Goy II is the season’s hit game for White males who have had it with Jewish bullshit.
“Instead of taking out your frustrations on actual human beings, you can fight the mongrels and degenerates on your computer!”