‘No gays allowed’ billboard installed above New York City’s Times Square – but was designed by LGBT activists
The sign will remain above the American landmark until February
By Steve Brown

A sign saying ‘no gays allowed’ has been installed above New York City’s Times Square.
The sign, which flips between ‘no gays allowed, no lesbians allowed, no bisexuals allowed, no trans allowed’, was designed by a group of LGBTQ activists who launched the ‘No Gay Allowed’ campaign, the Advocate reported.
The sign was designed as a way to shock passers-by and to raise awareness of the anti-LGBT group Alliance Defending Freedom, which has been named a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, according to a statement.
Caleb Cade, for No Gays Allowed, said: “We want to remind people that there are still really insidious forces at work against our community.
“ADF has been leading that war for a long time, with tens of millions of dollars to do it.”
The ADF – which was founded 25 years ago – has supported the recriminalisation of homosexuality, defended state-sanctioned sterilisations of trans people, linked homosexuality to paedophilia and claimed the ‘homosexual agenda’ will destroy society.
The billboard – which includes a web link for the campaign which breaks down ADF’s anti-LGBT stances – is set to remain in the iconic American landmark until February, NBC News reported.
Christine Quinn, former New York City Council speaker, said: “It’s going to lead people to ask questions.
“And that’s really important, to start a conversation, and to have that conversation be in response to this billboard, not the messaging of the ADF.”