Not even the Westboro Baptist Church will support Kim Davis

Kim Davis’s refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples has won her the support of many anti-equality campaigners but one of the most notoriously bigoted groups in the world has actually condemned her.
For the permanently-outraged hatemongers at the Westboro Baptist Church, the fact she’s been married four times and fell pregnant by someone other than her husband is inexcusable, and they’ve wasted no time shouting about it on Twitter.
It’s hard to know who to root for in this one, isn’t it?
For the avoidance of doubt, obviously this in no way means they’re on the gays’ side.
Davis was jailed on Thursday for refusing to change her mind and obey the Supreme Court’s orders. Couples she had obstructed from tying the knot were able to pick up licenses in her absence on Friday.
Her record with marriages and infidelities led to widespread accusations of hypocrisy, which her supporters shrugged off as mistakes she made before turning to Christianity.