Obama includes gay dads in Father’s Day speech
By Josh Haggis

Barack Obama has included gay dads in a speech made in honour of Father’s Day today (June 15).
In his speech to mark the occasion, the US President hailed the important work of fathers “whether [they are] married or single, gay or straight, natural or adoptive”. This is the first time gay dads have been mentioned in a President’s Father’s Day speech.
Read an excerpt from his speech below:
“With encouragement and unconditional love, fathers guide their children and help them envision brighter futures. They are teachers and coaches, friends and role models. They instill values like hard work and integrity, and teach their kids to take responsibility for themselves and those around them.
“This is a task for every father – whether married or single, gay or straight, natural or adoptive – and every child deserves someone who will step up and fill this role. My Administration proudly supports dads who are not only present but also involved, who meet their commitments to their sons and daughters, even if their own fathers did not.”
The President has been a strong supporter of the LGBT community during his time in office, and in 2012 became the first acting US president to speak out in favour of gay marriage.
Meanwhile Obama recently called The Normal Heart director Ryan Murphy to praise his work on the AIDS-themed HBO television movie.