Openly gay Labour MP Chris Bryant opens up about cancer diagnosis in emotional interview – Watch
The MP married his husband Jared Cranney back in 2010
By Steve Brown

Openly gay Labour MP Chris Bryant revealed how a haircut revealed skin cancer in an emotional interview.
The MP – who represents the Welsh constituency of Rhondda – dismissed a lump on his head as a ‘tiny little mole’ after his husband, Jared Cranney, cut his hair shorter than normal.
However, in January he decided to get the lump checked by a doctor in January where he was told he had a stage 3B melanoma – an advanced form of a cancer which usually grows on the skin.
Holding back tears, he said: “There was no pain, I’d get a bit of an itchy scalp in the winter anyway, so it was slightly itchy, and I could feel it was a bit raised – about the thickness of a 2p coin maybe.
“It feels like being punched in the stomach. You do want to cry, I felt cold in my skin for 48 hours.
“I slept terribly that night and I imagined everything – I was going to be dead by the end of the week, I wasn’t going to make it to Easter, every single twinge in my body was another form of cancer.”
Chris – who married his partner in 2010 – had nothing but praised for his husband and called him a ‘star’.
He also went on to say how the world has changed for the better as just 10 years ago, he would have worried about having his partner by his side.
The MP continued: “I would have worried about having my partner there with me because I’d have had to explain who he was. No one today bats an eyelid.”
Chris went on to say how he is feeling positive about his health and said the prognosis is “really good”.
Watch the emotional interview below: