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Pat Robertson tells mother to send lesbian daughter to camp to ‘straighten her out’

By Josh Haggis

Pat Robertson has told a mother to send her child to a Christian camp in order to “straighten her out”.

A viewer of Robertson’s show 700 Club talk show sought advice from the the former right-wing baptist minister after her daughter, who was raised Christian, recently brought home her girlfriend to meet the family.


Robertson claimed that there’s “so much lesbian stuff out there” and that the best thing to do would be to send her daughter off to a camp to get “straightened out”.

“A teenage girl doesn’t know what dress to wear, let alone what kind of sex she’s supposed to be. There’s so much lesbian stuff — I mean, lesbian this, lesbian the other, so much homosexual [stuff].”

“Get her in… a Christian camp in the summer, where they are really on fire for the Lord, and maybe she will straighten things out.”

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