Protestors stage ‘drag queen disco’ outside church of pastor who blamed gays for earthquakes

Fundamentalist Christian preacher Brian Tamaki, of the Destiny Church, previously attributed natural disasters to homosexuality and equal marriage just hours before a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck New Zealand.
However protestors held a ‘drag queen disco’ outside of Brian Tamaki’s church this morning against his previous comments.
Participants danced to ‘YMCA’ and, according to Wayne Baker who organised the event, it was a success.
Speaking to the New Zealand Herald, Baker said: “It went really well. We had a lot of toots of support from the public and cheering and waving. It felt like a party, but at 10 am. It just goes to show the views of Brian Tamaki are the views of Brian Tamaki.”
Before holding the event, Baker was worried that protestors might receive homophobic abuse, but the experience was positive.
“They got the message. They saw us. And we had a good time,” he adds.
The protest only drew a small crowd however as some people refused to go because “someone said we were sexualising the event because of the drag,” Baker explains.
“All we want to do is raise awareness, to show the LGBT community won’t tolerate this sort of behaviour.”
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