Pussy Riot whipped by Russian police in Sochi – video
By Nick Levine

Pussy Riot were struck with horsewhips by Russian police earlier today (February 19) as they tried to start an impromptu performance under a sign advertising the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
The Telegraph has acquired video footage of the incident – watch it below.
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivT-I-yxtdY[/youtube]
The video shows two members of the activist band, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina, being whipped by Russian Cossack militia, who are serving as an informal police force in Sochi during the Olympics.
Police arrived soon after the incident and questioned witnesses. No arrests were made.
Earlier this week, the same two members of Pussy Riot were arrested in Sochi on suspicion of committing a criminal offence. They were later released without being charged.
The pair have allegedly been constantly followed by authorities since arriving in Sochi, where they intend to perform their song Putin Will Teach You To Love Your Motherland, whose lyrics are said to be about “political repression in Russia”.