Religious TV host Rick Wiles claims the antichrist will be a ‘homosexual Jew’
Rick Wiles made the controversial comments on national American TV
By Steve Brown

A religious TV host believes the antichrist will be Jewish and gay.
Rick Wiles, a host for religious broadcast network TruNews – which is often home to extreme opinions and conspiracy theories – made the claims that the Satanic figure who leads the Apocalypse will soon emerge and will be gay.
He said: “I personally believe that the Man of Perdition, the one that you call Antichrist, I personally believe he will be a homosexual Jew.
“That is my personal view, I just said it on national television. Watch out for global Zionism taking over this planet through artificial intelligence.
“There are two things that you cannot publicly criticise now… you cannot criticise the homosexual agenda and you cannot criticise Zionism.
“Those two are together and they’re driven by the same spirit.
“What is coming is a global entity that is going to be Zionism and homosexuality, and it’s going to be operated through artificial intelligence and it’s going to be policed through the most high-tech surveillance society that you can imagine. It will be a nightmare.
“If you criticise homosexuality or Zionism, you’re going to be persecuted and they’re going to come after you.
“Israel embraces homosexuality. They need to be told, ‘You’re sinner, you’re going to go to Hell, you need to repent, you need to call upon the name of Jesus!’”
Watch Wiles make the controversial comments below: