Same-sex couples are too ‘exhausted’ to marry after fighting for equality, says campaigner
Sarah Midgley thinks Aussie same-sex couples just need a 'little break'

A gay marriage campaigner has claimed that many same-sex couples are too ‘tired’ to plan their wedding.
Sarah Midgley, an Australian Marriage Equality board member, made the comments today (January 9) while the first ever gay weddings were legally held in Australia.
Speaking to Sky News, Midgley claimed same-sex couples are in desperate need of a break following the intense same-sex marriage postal survey.
“Many people mabye need a little break since the postal survey but also to relax after the campaign,” she said.
She claimed that the postal survey had “intensified” the use of same-sex couples’ spare time.
Migdley, a quantum physicist, continued: “Australia has achieved marriage equality and this is now something that we can all share and enjoy together as a country.
“Once that’s sinking in, over the new year I think we’ll see more and more weddings.”
Australia became the 26th country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage after a gruelling postal vote which eventually saw 61.6% of all Australians vote in favour of same-sex marriage.
Equal marriage was later legalised in December, but couples were recquired to give 30 days notice, making Tuesday the first day they could legally marry.
The special day so numerous couples marry at midnight to commemorate the occasion, including aspiring Commonwealth Games athletes Craig Burns and Luke Sullivan.