Student against same-sex marriage expelled from university for airing views on Facebook

A Christian student has allegedly been expelled from Sheffield University after making anti same-sex marriage comments on Facebook.
Felix Ngole, a Masters student on a social work course, was told at a ‘Fitness to Practise’ hearing within the university that he has been “excluded from further study on a programme leading to a professional qualification” and is “no longer recognised as a University student,” according to Premier Christian Radio.
The 38-year-old, who made comments about Kim Davis, a marriage clerk from the US state of Kentucky, who would not issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples in September 2015, is appealing the case.
He says: “My beliefs about marriage and sexual ethics reflect mainstream, biblical understanding, shared by millions around the world. Simply expressing that understanding, in a personal capacity, on my Facebook page, cannot be allowed to become a bar to serving and helping others in a professional capacity as a social worker.”
“The university claims my views are discriminatory but I am the one being discriminated against because of my expression of Christian beliefs. I wonder whether the university would have taken any action if a Muslim student who believes in Shari’a law, with its teaching about women and homosexuality, had made moderate comments on his Facebook page. I don’t think so,” he continued.
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