Teen found guilty of Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law files an appeal
Maxim Neverov was fined around 50,000 rubles, the equivalent of £760
By Steve Brown

The first minor to be fined under Russia’s 2013 anti-gay propaganda laws has filed an appeal.
Maxim Neverov, 16, was found guilty of “propaganda of homosexuality among minors” after publishing a number of photographs on the social media site Vkontakte, Russian LGBT Network reported.
He was fined around 50,000 rubles – the equivalent of around £760 – and before his persecution he spoke out and said: “All people’s rights are being violated in Russia, not just LGBT people’s.
“And I believe LGBT are just people, so there is no reason to fight for LGBT rights separately from everyone else’s.”
When police filed the report, the LGBT Network reported that the teenager – who is the first minor to be found guilty of this law – wasn’t allowed to consult a lawyer meaning he refused to testify.
The LGBT Network provided a lawyer for Neverov, who attempted to organise a Pride Parade to support the LGBT+ community in his town of Biysk.
Svetlana Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian LGBT Network, said Neverov had not been actively campaigning for LGBTI rights.
“Usually (the authorities) prosecute people for marching in the streets with rainbow flags,” they said.