Terrence Higgins Trust launch new service to help HIV+ people save on energy bills
By Josh Lee

Leading HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust have launched a new service across London aimed at helping people living with HIV save money on energy bills.
According to the charity, one in six people who live with HIV are also living in poverty – placing extra strain on their lives.
Funded by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the service – which is part of the Big Energy Saving Network – will provide tailored support and advice to people living with HIV.
As well as providing impartial advice and support on how to spend less on energy, the service will also help HIV+ people take control of their tarrifs and suppliers, and provide information about cost-reduction schemes offered by the Government and energy suppliers.
Tony Milon, Energy Champion at Terrence Higgins Trust, described the service as having the potential to make “a huge difference” to people living with HIV in London. “We know that many people living with HIV need more information on switching energy suppliers, installation, reducing consumption and free money-saving devices,” he explained.
“By addressing fuel poverty and offering advice and support to help people with HIV in London, we can help them save money on their energy bills and live well.”
Terrence Higgins Trust will be running energy saving workshops from today until November 6. Sarah, a Londoner living with HIV who attended a previous session, desribed the workshop as an “eye opener.”
“I had never thought of changing energy supplier, and was not even aware about tariffs,” she said.
“The advice has enabled me to apply for a Warm Home discount, I contacted my supplier and my energy bills have been reduced. Before this, I was struggling with rising energy bills, but now I feel empowered and I know my options, thanks to Terrence Higgins Trust.”
Check out the list of workshops below:
Terrence Higgins Trust, 314-320 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DP
- Tuesday 11th October, 10:45 until 15:30
- Friday 18th November, 10:45 until 15:30
- Thursday 15th December, 10:45 until 15:30
- Thursday 12th January, 10:45 until 15:30
- Friday 10th February, 10:45 until 15:30
- Wednesday 8th March, 10:45 until 5:30
Positively UK, 345 City Rd, London EC1V 1LR – Wednesday 26th October at Monks Park Primary Care Centre, 13:00 until 15:30
Bloomsbury Clinic, Capper Street, London, WC1E 6JB – Tuesday 8th November 18:00 until 20:00
Body & Soul, St Ives House, 99-119 Rosebery Ave, London EC1R 4RE – Tuesday 15th November 19:00 until 20:30
For more information about the Big Energy Saving Network or to book a place on the workshops, please email energy.saving@tht.org.uk or call Terrence Higgins Trust in London on 020 7803 1670.
If you have any questions about HIV please call Terrence Higgins Trust’s free, confidential helpline, THT Direct, on 0808 802 1221 or visit www.tht.org.uk